Resolutions, Position Papers & Publications
Each year, Women Graduates–USA issues a Call for Resolutions which will be addressed during our upcoming Annual General Meeting. Each submission is reviewed and researched for its relationship to our mission, core issues and emerging issues affecting the world’s women and girls. If accepted, the proposed Resolution is presented to the membership for its review. Members will have the final vote on whether or not to accept the Resolution and commit to action. The action is taken up by the leadership who guides our committees, task forces and working groups on taking action. These Resolutions are integrated in our Core Issues and WG–USA’s actions.
For access to our Resolutions, click here.
Position Papers
Women Graduates–USA has institutional and individual member knowledge of issues related to our Core Issues. This expertise engages members with colleagues around the globe to share research and information. This collaborations or individual member research may result in publication of a Position Paper.
We are honored to provide access to WG–USA Position Papers – click here.
Each month, Women Graduates–USA publishes a newsletter for its members and colleagues – THE FLAME. Each edition carries information about our upcoming events and events of our partners and colleagues, feature stories of new members and grant or scholarship recipients, and a range of organization business. THE FLAME is an e-newsletter delivered monthly and easily forwarded to others.
Each year, Women Graduates–USA will publish The Year In Review with accomplishments, challenges of the prior year. Comprehensive coverage is offered of our events, updates to our Core Issues and resources, information about Graduate Women International and our colleagues in member federations and associations around the globe, and our advocacy work around the country within the United Nations.
For access to archived editions of The Year In Review, click here.