Members at Universities and in the Workforce
Women Graduates–USA is a nonprofit organization whose members are women in all walks of life around the globe. Members share a passion for creating a secure and just world built on education, advocacy, friendship and mutual respect.
WG–USA members are women in all career fields and industries
Members are women at college and university working toward advanced degrees
Members are women conducting research, including post-Doctoral research.
WG–USA members present webinars, webcasts and seminars to domestic and international colleagues interested in our mission and core issues. Do you have issue expertise or educational opportunities which fit the format of a webinar, webcast or online seminar? Contact us at—include subject: Idea for WG–USA Webinars, Webcasts and Seminars and we’ll be in touch.
Are you at university and interested in issue and research collaborations with women beyond your campus? Contact us at—include subject: WG–USA at Universities and we’ll be in touch.
Are you a young professional interested in collaborating with other recent graduates on issues impacting women and girls? Contact WG–USA at—include subject: WG–USA Advocacy in Action and we’ll be in touch.
As members of WG–USA, our members are also members of Graduate Women International; WG–USA is the US Affiliate of GWI. This affiliation offers members a network of colleagues around the world with whom to collaborate on research, education and health initiatives, climate change issues and to move their passions and advocacy to action. Our international perspective informs our advocacy for social and economic justice for all women and girls. For more information about connecting with colleagues around the globe contact us at – include subject: WG–USA and Graduate Women International and we’ll be in touch.
Women Graduates–USA is an accredited with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. This status invites WG–USA to provide secure expert information and advice with its special competence on subjects and issues of international, regional, and nation importance to women and girls. Interested in learning more? Contact us at – include subject: WG–USA at the United Nations and we’ll be in touch.
Wherever you are in life, whatever career path you’re on, continue to visit this website. WG–USA is on the move and welcomes you!