Graduate Women International Affiliation

Women Graduates–USA was founded in 2008 by women leaders as the national affiliate of Graduate Women International. All members of WG–USA are members of Graduate Women International (GWI).


GWI, founded in 1919 as the International Federation of University (IFUW), is a worldwide, non-governmental organization of women graduates. Founders included three women in university leadership: Virginia Gildersleeve-Barnard College, USA, Caroline Spurgeon-University of London, England and Rose Sidewick-Unversity of Birmingham, England.

GWI is governed by a Board of Officers and Committee Conveners who are elected every triennial at the General Assembly. GWI’s purpose:

  • Promote lifelong education for women and girls;

  • Promote international cooperation, friendship, peace and respect for human rights for all, irrespective of their age, race, nationality, religion, political opinion, gender and sexual orientation or other status;

  • Advocate for the advancement of the status of women and girls; and

  • Encourage and enable women and girls to apply their knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making in all forms of public and private life.

Graduate Women International Members:

Regional Groups or National Affiliates – Regional groups work together with members from nearby countries drawing on similar geographical, cultural and historical backgrounds.  Regional groups and National Affiliates organize conferences, seminars, webinars, friendship visits and joint projects on issues of common concern.  WG–USA is a national affiliate of GWI. WG–USA liaisons work within CAMEUS, a regional organization of GWI members Canada, Mexico and the U.S.

Independent Members – women graduates from countries where there is not yet a GWI affiliate.

For more information about Graduate Women International, visit their website: