Global Women’s Health Report for AGM 2020

Attention: Program Chair Sally Chamberlain 9-16-20   


WG –USA Board voted to establish the Women’s Global Health Working Group in January 2020. With great enthusiasm chairs and members assumed responsibility and became a vibrant busy group. Within a short period we established the mission, laid the foundation and, created structure, membership and program to work on the following. 

Mission and Vision 

The GWH working group’s mission is to advance awareness, advocacy and actions for a wider inclusion of all aspects of physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing in policy discussions of women’s health. We emphasize a multidisciplinary approach and a multidimensional engagement of all sectors to bring policy change and understanding of women’s health care and priorities. Our pillars are to  

  • To work at UN level to influence systemic and institutional transformation. e.g. The accelerated SDG 3 program dig deep into both health and Climate 

  • To improve women’s health we need to see the interconnectivity between  economic security  and health , and  when we address one we improve the other 

  • Drive collaboration between private and public health care organizations and institutions to  influence increased quality and quantity in services for all women  

  • Seek Inclusive, comprehensive, holistic approach that includes of physical mental and emotional wellbeing

Building Structure and Membership 

We began by laying the foundation for the working group and  accomplished the following ; created a membership base and are adding to it; created a WA group for exchange of information, professional tips and mentoring; articles to Flame;  engaging members to participate in the group; started the process of steering group; transitioned to leadership to sole Chair; now in process creating new program and plan of action based on our resolution; numerous calls, emails and zooms with members, between chairs and leadership.


Health is central to our mission and as the pandemics hit, we have been responsive to the arising unprecedented needs by holding zoom programs that address the emerging urgent health issues of our pandemics of health, race, economic and now environmental issues. 

Covid 19

Although our mandate was healthcare for all with focus on women and girls we pivoted to work on the pandemic in March 2020.  Covid 19 greatly impacted our memberships who are healthcare professionals on the front line. We pivoted as health became central and very personal to our members. We held zoom programs to address the following: dealing with challenges of care giving on the front line; sharing personal challenges of our young professionals; facilitating distribution and connecting PPE suppliers to nursing care homes and other agencies; recognized new graduates who had missed out on the official ceremony.

Black Lives Matter 

Next our focus was taken to the events of Black Lives Matter which also affected many of the Global Health members very personally. We planned and held in collaboration with WG board a BLM Zoom meeting “Healing and Listening”.  We continued our conversation by supporting and mentoring many who still needed to address urgent critical issues facing them. This is ongoing.

Outside Speaker

Speaking on Healthcare for young women and girls, an issue which we will be taken up as action item.


Global health is a necessity and a fundamental right; to this we as a group wrote a resolution for Women’s Global Health. As many of the members were recent graduates and young professional we held meetings and as much to craft the resolution as well as to educate and train members to understand the process and journey of a resolution to completion. Three months of intensive work went into this very worthwhile endeavor. Resolution has reached AGM submission and we have the upcoming defense to general membership.

Conferences Attended 

Many of us attended numerous conferences and meeting pertaining to Health and SDG 3 – WGH position was voiced at the following: University of California; UNGC Accelerated SDGs 3 on Health; Foreign Policy – health events; Speaker of the House meetings; State wide events with Governors and many others. 

WG programs and meetings attended 

As Chair I attended regular monthly full Board meetings; Advocacy, Program and Education committee meetings; Annual pre-retreat meetings; Global program on futures; resolution defense meeting, pre AGM

Next Steps

Going forward our action plan is to prioritize our plan of action as submitted in our resolution and proceed to work on different elements. Some will be long term efforts and some will be targeted for immediate completion. We thank all the members of GWH for their participation and efforts, and also program Chair and Board for their support. We look forward to a good years work.  

Shaila Rao Mistry, 

Chair, Global Women’s Health

UN Appointee and Signatory to Accelerated SDG’s