President: Fay Weber

Fay Weber was a candidate for a second term as President of WG-USA and has served in this capacity for the past three years. During her presidency the organization has gained United Nation’s ECOSOC Consultative Status and has participated with WG members in Parallel  Sessions at the UN  Commission on the Status of Women and at the Cape Town GWI Triennial Conference. During her tenure, WG-USA has worked in coalition with US Women’s Caucus, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Violence against Women International, ECPAT, SPACE International and the newly formed MOU with the Mexican Federation of University Women. This past year she served as a GWI delegate to the United Nations and started the WG-USA Graduate/Post Graduate Group in 2017.

Fay Weber has a doctorate in Educational Administration and a minor in Psychology from Montana State University, Bozeman. She has master’s degrees in Educational Psychology from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and an Educational Administration degree from California State University, Fullerton. Her bachelor’s degree from Montana State University is in Nutrition and Science Education.

She serves as Montana’s National Garden Club Scholarship and the Murphy Scholarship Chair, the GWI Centenary Scholarship Committee and the Endowment Committee for the Rio Hondo Symphony and the Young Artist’s Competition. In the past she served six years as the Grant Convener for the VGIF Fund.