Graduate Women International Affiliation

Women Graduates–USA is the single national affiliate of GWI in the United States. Through our affiliation with GWI, WG–USA is connected to fellow advocates for women and girls in other countries with national federations and association affiliates. These involve United Nations (UN) Agreements, UN Conventions and Declarations, and UN policy discussions relating to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Beijing Platform for Action (1995 and its updates).

WG–USA liaisons work within CAMEUS, a regional organization of GWI members Canada, Mexico and the U.S. CAMEUS and other GWI regional organizations present conferences, seminars, webinars, friendship visits and joint projects on issues of common concern.

With its ECOSOC credentials, WG–USA provides opportunities for member participation at the United Nations on a variety of issues.  Its affiliation with GWI expands its collaborations in the NGO community.

Membership in Women Graduates–USA includes membership in GWI.

GWI and WG–USA share a vision: 100% of girls and women in the world achieving education beyond primary school. Graduate Women International (formerly the International Federation of University Women–IFUW) advocates for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to quality secondary and tertiary education, and training up to the highest levels. GWI is the leading girls’ and women’s global organization run by and for women, advocating for women’s rights, equality, and empowerment through access to quality education and training.

WG–USA members are encouraged to participate in GWI leadership roles, committees and projects through election or appointment, and nomination by the WG–USA Board. Since the founding of WG–USA, members have held leadership roles in GWI:

President:  Geeta Desai
Vice President:  Kathleen Laurila, Louise McLeod, and Shaila Rao Mistry (current)
Committee Members:

International Fellowships — Fay Weber, Nirshila Chan (current)
Education — Shaila Rao Mistry, Louise McLeod, Christine Heller (current)
Resolutions — Laura Rojo MacLeod (current), Louise McLeod (current)