Women Graduates – USA extends its heartfelt thoughts and prayers to our members and those affected by the horrific fires in California. We hope that you are safe.

This week’s tragic events reinforce our strength and impact on our core issues and the climate emergency.

Women Graduates - USA believes that ecocide or crimes against nature are a grave ethical issue widely affecting
(women and girls or every person) in all developmental aspects in their communities.
This is the challenge to solve. We promise to continue our efforts in addressing climate change and ecocide.

You will not be forgotten as the days, weeks and months of recovery begin.


As we close a successful 2024,
Women Graduates-USA celebrates the start of 2025.  

Our mission is our inspiration: 
“to create a secure and just world built on education, advocacy, friendship and mutual respect” and our core values. 

The world around us is changing, and WG-USA stands firm, focusing and advocating for:

  • Safe and equitable access to public education

  • Refugee and migrant women and girls

  • Prevent violence against women in all of its forms including human trafficking

  • Confront policies that weaken our environment

  • Maintain our participation and support at the United Nations as the single best way to address peace and security in our world

    WG-USA begins the new year with webinars strengthening our understanding and advocacy for communities and lives impacted by climate change.  In March, WG-USA will be an active participant in the United Nations annual “Commission on the Status of Women” event in New York On the national level WG-USA is committed to monitoring and addressing changes which impact women and girls in our communities and families.

    Join us in WG-USA advocacy and engagement with partners who share our vision.  Watch for the January monthly newsletter, THE FLAME. Reach out via email to find an opportunity to act and lead!

    Sally Chamberlain, Retiring President 2022-2024

    Susan Nenstiel, Incoming President 2025 - 2027

Emerging Issues

Upcoming Events & Webinars

International Updates


Women Graduates–USA members and partners have the power to make a difference in the education of women and girls locally and across the world. 

Dynamic Programs & Events
Advocacy and Action 
Partnerships and Collaborations

Women and Girls’ Health

Global and Domestic

Women Graduates–USA and its partners advocate at the state, national and global levels to protect the health and well-being of women and girls.  WG–USA supports equal access to health care throughout a women’s life—from birth, through active adult life and quality of life in later years.  WG–USA believes that health of women and girls is the cornerstone for women’s education, sustainable economic development, and societal prosperity.

Violence against Women

Women Graduates–USA calls for prevention and elimination of all forms of violence again women and girls. Violence against women is the most pervasive breach of human rights worldwide. Gender-Based Violence includes trafficking, domestic violence, harassment, and sexual assault and violence.

Migrant, Refugee and Displaced Women and Girls

Women Graduates–USA advocates for policies and legislation that support education, equality, human rights, safety and security of women and girls impacted by human rights violations, degradation of quality of life, war and violence in their home countries. WG–USA believes that refugees, migrants and displaced women and their families should receive protection, assistance, and opportunity for resettlement regardless of nationality, religion, or race.

WG–USA is the US affiliate of Graduate Women International; members of WG–USA are also members of GWI.
Women Graduates–USA members advocate for social and economic justice for all women and girls. WG–USA has issue expertise and is in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).